

Over the past thirteen months I have resisted writing about Covid. I find it very depressing and upsetting obviously. But just for prosperity (and history) I thought I’d share this. We are all living through a pandemic after all!


On March 24th last year, just a couple of weeks into the first lockdown, I came across a page on Facebook called FutureMe. The idea was/is that you write a letter to yourself on a particular day and exactly a year later the letter is e mailed back to you.

Because it was early days, and everyone thought the lockdown was just for a few weeks I wrote a short letter. I distinctly remember doing it and thinking ‘this might be a bit of fun’. I was sitting at the kitchen table and Martin was cutting the grass.

If only I had known what was coming and how long things would drag on for, the changes we would need to make in our lives - the letter would have been completely different. But maybe it was better that we didn’t know.

This is just a snapshot of how I was feeling on that particular afternoon.

The following is an email from March 24, 2020, delivered back to me by FutureMe on March 24th this year.


Dear FutureMe,

I am sitting at the kitchen table writing this letter. We are in the midst of the Corna virus which has hit the world. The whole world is on lockdown at the moment, with airlines halted, schools pubs shops restaurants and most businesses closed.

Those who can work from home are doing so. I am for the moment anyway. It's very difficult to take on board. It still doesn't feel real despite all of the news coverage on TV and on line.

There is due to be another announcement from Government at 4pm today. Who knows what other restrictions will be imposed.

Of all of the restrictions on our lives myself and Martin are doing ok. We are more or less in the house 24/7 only going out to the shops if we need something. The hardest part of all is not being able to see our Grandchildren.

Lyla is three and a half and the light of our lives. We miss her so much. Our Grandson Senan is just five weeks old. We are missing all the milestones of this precious time that we wil never get back.

We FaceTime of course but its heart breaking not to be able to see them and not have any idea of when all of this will end and when we will see them again.

Ok I'm crying now so I am going to finish off. Hopefully this will be a bad memory sooner rather than later.

Geraldine O Dowd

A postcard from Claire in the early days.

Still waiting for the hooley.